Monday 12 September 2016

MENTAL HEALTH: Dealing with sadness

"Sadness is passive anger and anger is active sadness"
                                                                    - Emotions by Osho

It is true, I do believe sadness is just a much more passive form of anger. Both of the emotions can be triggered by the same things for example if you lose you're phone you can either be angry or sad, if you get fired from your job you can either be anger or sad, have a argument with your partner you can either be angry or sad and so on and so on. The deciding factor that picks weather we are going to be sad or angry about a situation is usually yourself, It is all down to the type of person that you are. If you observe carefully angry people don't usually get sad easily and sad people do not usually get angry easily. You are either a sad person or an angry person. If you're a sad person carry on reading...


Sadness like most emotions is very complexed and can not be solved so easily, More than often you can't just "get over it" you have to go through it. So be conscious of your sadness and explore it. Understand where it has come from and how long it has been growing within you. This will give you conscious control of your sadness and allow you to figure out what is actually making you sad which helps you figure out how you can stop or reduce the sadness within.

So many people bottle up their emotions and suffer alone because they do not want to be " a victim" however there is a difference in forcing the victim role and accepting that in this current moment in time you are the victim. If something unfortunate has happened to you then you are in theory the victim and accepting it will not make you weak nor a victim for life, if anything it will give you time to heal and become stronger. You can not treat a wound by covering it up and ignoring it you have to acknowledge you have been hurt and seek medical attention. So acknowledge that you have been hurt emotionally and seek emotional attention (vent like a little bitch).

Like most emotions your sadness will pass once you have confronted it and you're ready to let it go. To help you let it go quicker as well as accepting it and venting it out try engaging in activities that make you happy. This will balance out your emotional status and invite happiness back into your system.

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