Thursday 5 May 2016

Topic: Care

Not a lot of people know this about me but I am genuinely continuously angry at the world. Humans are such cowards. Honestly it makes me sick. As I am writing this I am struggling to find a starting point because there is so much to talk about. I guess the biggest thing that pisses me off about mankind is that we are selfish. We tend to only be on board when it benefits our individual needs. As someone who spent many years being a mindless people pleaser I have come across the most selfishly inconsiderate people ever. People who have no shame in coming back time after time asking for wild favours knowing that if tables were to turn they would never do the same for you. People who have no shame in clinging on to you disguised as a friend or boyfriend whilst they exploit your skill sets, status, knowledge etc. 

As an artist my most occurred issue with society is that no body wants to be on board until everyone is on board. Meaning people only respect the artistry once the artistry has already been respected. Meaning people will only buy your idea once your idea has already been bought. Meaning people will only want to help once you've already been helped. What I am trying to say is that nobody is brave enough to step forward as the first person to support you and when I think about it it's not so much about bravery its just humans doing what they do best and being mindless, waiting for someone else to set a trend so they can come and just follow. Its the classic case of "we can not hire you because you have no experience" yet how am I supposed to get experience if I never get hired because I don't have experience? Humans only want a finished product that they can come and exploit. They don't want to sit there and help you build.

It's honestly so sad what humans will do to get through life even though life isn't forever. I think we forget that whilst we're out here manipulating and lying and exploiting people to gain whatever it is we're after in life our time on this planet is running out. Wouldn't you want to live an honest happy life? 

Why not just be there for another because you once needed someone to be there for you.

To the rare genuine people reading this, If you do not hear it enough then I thank you. 
Thank you for following your heart 
Thank you for having a mind of your own 
Thank you for always trying 
Thank you for being there
Thank for being you. 

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